TLO the book

November 16th, 2014

We are SUPER excited in TLO HQ as Georgie’s first book is due to arrive with us REAL soon!!!! Here is as sneak peak at the cover….

When you’re distracted, worried, or unhappy, it can be easy to look through people and let your thoughts wander. But when you pay attention to the energy you give off, you can change how you view the world and interact with others.

In fact, you can instantly be happier, healthier, and more successful by channelling the positive energy inside you with the help of Georgina Jones, who walks you through the practice of turning lights on so you can live in the moment.
Learn how to build confidence, control stress and anxiety, boost your energy, and maximize the value of relationships.

Throughout the book, you’ll be asked to answer questions about yourself that will help you embrace each day. As you tweak your approach to life, you’ll discover that there’s a big difference between shuffling along and feeling like the world is against you and walking with a spring in your step, fired up to accomplish great things as you Turn Lights On

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One Response

  1. […] on the team the more lights we can turn on and the more people we can inspire with our products, books and courses. Matt and I are loving working together and I can’t stop […]

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