Just ‘effing do it – JFDI

June 8th, 2016

Whether you call it a bucket list or a “one day I will” list, we all have things that we want to do but don’t get around to them.  We say we haven’t got time, the money, the opportunity, the skills and put it off until tomorrow.

Stop and ask yourself a question…

If you only had June left on this planet what would you do?

Our theme this month is focused on ‘just effing doing it’ and we are going to inspire and support you to create a list of the things you want to do leaving you to ‘just effing do them’!

A JFDI list is not about crazy things like quitting your job (although if you feel that would add positively to your life be our guest) a JFDI is a list about action.

Action feels amazing and is the perfect cure to worry.

“The more you worry the less you do and the more you do the less you worry”

So I would like to share with you my JFDI list this month.

  1. Boring alert – Look into buying a new carpet in the loft. It has seen many parties and peoples feet and needs to retire. I have been saying for ages I must look into getting a new one and this month I am just going to do it!
  2. I have a list of things I want to do before I am 40 and one of them is to write letters to people who have influenced my life, I am going to write two letters to two special people this month.
  3. Exciting Alert – I am jumping out of a plane! Yes on 11th June I will be doing a parachute jump for St George Hospice. They do amazing work, One project is their children bereavement programme that supports children that have lost a parent. Have a read of this story and if you want to help you can sponsor me or Matt.
  4. I am going to book a spa day with my mum. I won a spa day nearly a year ago and I haven’t used it! I just have to phone the venue that is it and go and relax, why the delay!
  5. Finally concentrate on the guitar and have a lesson that I have been putting off as I have been too BUSY dare I say arrrggghhh

That’s it, I’m not going crazy like climbing everest, I’m doing things for myself and other people that impact positively to my happiness. It doesn’t have to be masses of stuff it just has to be something and something that you have been thinking about and putting off.

Tips for your JFDI list…..

  1. Think about things that will feed your soul.
  2. Avoid creating a boring things “to do list” as you are less likely to do it.
  3. Do your JFDI list with friends, grab a coffee together and share what you are going to do. You can then all celebrate in July together
  4. Share your JFDI lists with us on social, let us support you.
  5. Under promise over deliver, don’t do a massive list, keep it to a few things as when you have completed them all you will feel like a superstar, having a list as long as my niece’s christmas list is potential danger of not completing it and feel disappointed.
  6. Keep your list in your focus, pop it on your phone, your fridge, or on a board.
  7. Lose attachment to it! Don’t make action based on lack or need like “I must do this” I have given up” “I need to do this”  make it light and not a weight around your neck.
  8. Start at the end, I do this exercise in one of my workshops. We all work out what we want and then we celebrate it together like it has already happened. At first it’s odd but when you get in the swing of it it feels supercool. Talking about it like you have achieved it, how it felt, it’s one to let your imagination go CRAZY! This is a powerful exercise that has never let me down. I am working on a online programme featuring it for My happy Place as I feel it is one of the most powerful exercises I use. This powerful vision exercise speeds up the process and it’s one of my favourite pastimes going for a holiday in the future and the future that you want!
  9. Place lots of joy, happiness and pleasure on doing what you doing. For example Matt our COO at TLO and I decided to reduce the amount of booze we drunk this year. A year changing our relationship with drink and I must say it has been a valuable lesson in understanding. Saying things like “I choose not to drink at moment” as apposed to “I can’t drink at the moment” and then enjoying all the wonderful hangover free days and money in our pockets.  Focus on the joy and the things that it is giving you not what you are missing, the last thing you want is a bout of FOMO! If you want to lose weight focus on health and eating healthy things will be your choice not an order!

Ok that’s it, so this month we will enjoy supporting, inspiring and encouraging you to Just effing do it!

Watch out for more on this as this month we are Just effing doing it!







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