Surround yourself with SUPERSTARS!

July 8th, 2014

We have a special gift for the beautiful people who we will see tomorrow at Venturefest

Turn Lights On, in association with the wonderful ICE, is on a mission to inspire people so that they can inspire others. We would like to provide some extra support to enable people to achieve their goals by giving away a chapter of the soon to be published “Turn Lights On” book.   The chapter in question is called…

Your Superstar Entourage!

This chapter is designed to inspire you to know yourself; not merely believe in yourself, as belief still suggests an element of doubt. KNOWING is a completely different ballgame!

You can have a great idea, money, the right team, but knowing is what sets you apart from your competition. Knowing will keep you up all night to complete the deadline; knowing will blow your customers’ expectations; knowing will help you when things are not going completely to plan!

So enjoy… here it is. Please tweet your thoughts @TLOnow

Chapter 9 – Your Superstar Entourage [PDF]

If you like the chapter sign up to the newsletter  and then when the book is out you can get a copy quick sharp!

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